Manage Customers

For information on adding customers and managing invites, see Add or Invite Customers.

Once they have accepted, you can view and manage customers from the Customers page.

screenshot of the customers page


  • If you cannot see any customers, or a customer that you know exists is missing, this likely means you are not an Admin user. You need an Admin user to grant you permission to view that customer.
  • If you can see a customer, but the columns next to their name are empty, this means you have been granted permission to view that customer in a Support user capacity.

See Manage user access to customer accounts below.

The Customers page displays customers who have accepted one of your invites and set up an account. You can view the following information:

  • Header row

    • Field
    • Description
  • Row 1

    • MRR

    • The monthly recurring revenue for services that are currently billing.

      This number might not include newly provisioned ports, as those can take up to 15 days to enter billing.

  • Row 2

    • Ports
    • Number of ports the customer has provisioned.
  • Row 2

    • VCs
    • Number of virtual circuits the customer has provisioned. This includes virtual circuits for cloud connections.
  • Row 2

    • Cloud
    • Number of cloud connections (Dedicated ports and Hosted connections) the customer has.
  • Row 2

    • Last Activity
    • The date and time a customer account user was last active. This includes logging in.
  • Row 2

    • Last Order
    • The date and time a service was last ordered. This includes orders done directly by the customer and orders done by reseller users on behalf of the customer.

Hide inactive customers

Select this option to hide customer accounts that match ALL of the following criteria:

  • More than 30 days since the last order
  • More than 30 days since the last activity
  • $0.00 MRR

Manage user access to customer accounts

By default, only Admin users can view the full list of customers in the Partners portal.

To allow non-Admin users access to view a customer and access that customer’s account, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Manage Users next to the customer:

    screenshot of the customers page with the view action highlighted

  2. Select the user you want to add (only non-Admin users are listed) and click Link user.

  3. By default, the user is added with Support permissions. These permissions determine what they can view and what actions they are able to perform with respect to the customer.

    To change these permissions, click the arrow to open a menu:

    screenshot of the manage users panel

You can grant users the following permissions:

  • Header row

    • Group
    • Description
  • Row 1

    • Admin
    • Can perform any action, including inviting users and updating the company profile.
  • Row 2

    • Regular
    • Can add, remove, or change any product service.
  • Row 2

    • Read-Only
    • Can view all services and download documents and invoices, but cannot make any changes.
  • Row 2

    • Support
    • Can perform troubleshooting actions, but cannot perform any action that has a financial impact (creating, upgrading, or deleting services). Support users also cannot see financial information for the customer, such as MRR.

The user can have different permissions between accounts. For example, in the Partners portal, they might have Read Only permissions. But for Customer A, you can grant them Regular permissions. For Customer B, you grant them Support permissions, and so on.

For a detailed list of permissions by group, see User Permissions.

To revoke a user’s access to a customer, simply click the X next their user name:

screenshot of the manage users panel

Order and manage services on behalf of a customer

Go to the Customers page and click View next to the customer:

screenshot of the customers page with the view action highlighted

You are redirected to the dashboard in the customer’s portal view. From here, you can manage services on behalf of the customer (depending on your group permissions detailed above).

screenshot of the customers page

Note: You can only view one customer at a time in the same browser session.


You can receive an email notification any time a customer provisions or deletes a service.

This notification is sent to all Partners “Admin” contacts (note that an contact is different than a user). For more information, see Company Contacts.


If you access a customer account and perform any actions such as ordering or removing a service, that action appears in the customer activity logs. You are identified by your user name (email address). These actions are not recorded in the activity log for the partner account.