Colt-Powered Ports

When a port is “powered by Colt,” this means that it is owned and operated by Colt Technology Services but is subject to the PacketFabric SLA and MSA.

Changes and restrictions in port functionality


Colt ports cannot be provisioned or managed through the PacketFabric portal. To provision a Colt port or make changes to an existing Colt service, contact your PacketFabric sales representative or email

There are some differences in the actions and features that are available for Colt-powered ports. These differences include the following:

  • You cannot disable/enable a Colt port.

  • Port metrics are not available.

  • Colt ports do not become active until you provision a virtual circuit on them. This means you can disregard the Operational and/or Administrative statuses until a virtual circuit is present.

  • You cannot order a PacketFabric outbound cross connect for a Colt port. Instead, you can generate a Colt LOA via our portal and then provide that to the Colt colocation facility.

    As with all ports, this LOA is available for download immediately after provisioning.

  • You cannot create a LAG interface with Colt ports.

  • All Colt-powered ports have a minimum 12 month contract.

  • Colt ports do not have a 24-hour grace period in which to delete without incurring costs. You will be billed for the remaining contract. If you order a Colt port by accident, email or call 1-844-475-8322 ext. #2.

Changes and restrictions in virtual circuit functionality

  • You can create a virtual circuit between a PacketFabric port and a Colt port, or a virtual circuit between two Colt ports.
  • Only backbone virtual circuits are supported. Cloud connections and third-party marketplace connections are not currently supported.
  • Colt ports do not support untagged VLANs. This restriction does not apply when building an EPL virtual circuit (see below).
  • For 10 Gbps ports, the minimum capacity for a virtual circuit is 1 Gbps.
  • Usage-based billing is not available for virtual circuits to Colt ports.
  • Hourly billing and hourly capacity bursts are not available for virtual circuits to Colt ports. The shortest term length for a virtual circuit is month-to-month.
  • We do not offer metro pricing for virtual circuits to Colt ports, regardless of location. All virtual circuits are charged at long-haul rates.
  • EPL support for virtual circuits:
    • We do not support Colt ports in our point-to-point product.
    • You can create an EPL virtual circuit between two Colt ports. (These are backbone circuits in which you select EPL under Advanced Configuration Options).
    • However, we do not support EPL virtual circuits between Colt ports and PacketFabric ports.

Colt-powered port FAQ

How do I know if a port is a Colt port?

As you’re ordering the port, the Colt logo appears next to Colt-powered ports.

screenshot of Colt logo next to ports

Once the port has been provisioned, the “Powered by Colt” logo appears on the Details page in the portal.

You can also identify Colt ports by their circuit IDs, which start with CT rather than PF.

What port capacities are available?

At this time, you can order 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps ports. Availability and optics vary by location.

Why can’t I order a PacketFabric-outbound cross connect for a Colt port?

The port is owned and operated by Colt, meaning permission must be granted by Colt and not PacketFabric.

However, as soon as your port is provisioned, you can generate a Colt LOA through our portal. You can then provide this to the Colt data center to have your cross connect installed.

If I’m having issues with the Colt port or virtual circuit, who do I contact?

Open a ticket with PacketFabric. We will work with Colt to address any issues.

To open a ticket, email or call 1-844-475-8322 ext. #2.

For more information, see the following:

Will I be billed separately by Colt as well?

You will continue to pay Colt whatever costs are associated with housing your equipment in their facility. You will also pay Colt any costs for the cross connect between your equipment and the access port.

Access port costs and virtual circuit costs are paid to PacketFabric. For pricing information, see our website.

Is pricing different for Colt-powered services?

Yes. In addition to the billing differences listed below, Colt-powered services follow a separate pricing schedule. Contact for details.

Is billing different for Colt-powered services?

Virtual circuits

  • All connections are categorized as long-haul. We do not offer metro connections to Colt ports.
  • There is no usage-based billing option for virtual circuits to Colt ports.


  • You do not have a 24 hour grace period in which to delete the Colt port without incurring any costs.
  • Colt ports do not allow month-to-month terms. The minimum term is 12 months.

These policies are set directly by Colt.