Add a Connection from a Port to the Cloud Router

If you are present in a shared data center location and have already provisioned a PacketFabric port, then you can connect that port to a Cloud Router.

This allows you to use the PacketFabric SDN to access your Cloud Router traffic directly from your on-premises environment.


Before you begin, you must already have provisioned an access port. For more information, see Create a Port.

TIP: When you connect to a Cloud Router, you create a virtual circuit (EVPL) connection. As a single port can have up to 2000 EVPL connections, you do not need to provision a port specifically for Cloud Router use.

Create a PacketFabric Cloud Router connection

Log in to the PacketFabric portal and select Cloud Routers on the left.

Expand the Cloud Router you are using and click Connect.

cloud router create connection

Select cloud provider

Select Dedicated Port.

Select a port
Select your source port.
Enable Network Address Translation
Select this option if you want to be able to use NAT for the connection. This ensures the connection will provision on a device that supports NAT.
Source NAT – Translate the source IP address. For example, you can translate a pool of private IP addresses to a public IP address in order to reach an external resource that only accepts public IPs.
Destination NAT – Translate the destination IP address. For example, if you need to translate a public IP address to a private IP addresses in your network. This may be necessary if you plan to make the connection exportable via Quick Connect.
This is the speed you are setting for the connection.
Enter a name for the connection.
NOTE: The number symbol # is not permitted in connection descriptions.
Source VLAN
Specify a VLAN ID for your source port.
You can manually enter the ID or click Next Available. If you click Next Available, we find the highest in-use VLAN ID and increment by one. For example, if the highest in-use ID is 15, this field autopopulates with 16. By default, these fields are already populated with the next available VLAN ID.
Use public IP
Select this option to have PacketFabric provide a public IP address to use for your BGP session.

Under the billing section on the right, select a term and the appropriate billing account to use. You can also optionally specify a PO number to associate with the service. The PO number will be included on your monthly invoice.

Click Place order.

Next steps

Before you can begin transferring data, you must set up BGP for this connection. See Configure BGP for Port Connections.

Attach a Customer-Owned Port to a Cloud Router - POST