July 25, 2022 Release Notes

New features

Aggregate capacity containers

There is a new Billing > Aggregate Capacity page. From here you can create an aggregate capacity container.

aggregate capacity option

Aggregate capacity is provided at a bulk discount, and can be used to provision virtual circuits (backbone, IX, and marketplace) between U.S. locations. For more information, see Aggregate Capacity.

As part of this change, you will now see an Aggregate Capacity option when creating new virtual circuits:

aggregate capacity option

Changes and enhancements

  • When viewing the list of connections from a cloud router details page, the connection list will now identify connections with disabled BGP sessions.

    disabled bgp

  • Users can now manually specify CIDRs when creating a cloud router connection to IBM. Previously this was only available when creating hosted IBM connections.

  • The scope attribute is no longer necessary when creating a cloud router through the API. Legacy API scripts will not be affected by this change.

  • Added GET /v2/reseller-customers/{customer_uuid} to return a single reseller customer.

Bug fixes

  • GET /v2/services/cloud-routers/{cr_circuit_id}/route-sets/{route_set_circuit_id}/connections was not returning the appropriate connection IDs.
  • DELETE /v2/services/cloud-routers/{circuit_id}/connections/{cloud_connection_circuit_id} was accepting incorrect circuit IDs.
  • GET /v2/services/cloud/connections/hosted was taking a long time to complete if there were no hosted connection to retrieve.
  • The response message for POST /v2/services/cloud-routers/{circuit_id}/connections/ipsec did not include description, account UUID, POP, or speed.
  • Deleting an IPsec cloud router connection was taking longer than it should when the connection did not have BGP configured.
  • Users should not be able to double-provision a service from a quote while the first attempt is still in progress.
  • Workflows were failing when an EPL and EVPL circuit shared the same VLAN ID on an ENNI port.
  • BGP disabling was not working as expected for cloud router connections.