Upgrade a Hosted AWS Connection

Upgrading a connection requires deleting and then recreating the connection. Obviously, this will disrupt traffic over the connection.

Using an AWS access key

If you have an AWS access key configured for the connection, you can upgrade bandwidth from the PacketFabric portal.

  1. Go to the Hosted Connections page and click the connection to open its side panel.
  2. Click Upgrade. In the window that opens, select the upgraded speed, and then click Order.

This will automatically delete, and then rebuild, the VIF and the Direct Connect connection.

This might take several minutes.

Without an AWS access key

If you do not have an AWS access key configured for the connection, you must complete the following steps to perform a bandwidth upgrade:

  1. From AWS, delete any existing VIFs on the connection: Amazon - Delete virtual interfaces

  2. From the PacketFabric portal, go to the Hosted Connections page and click the connection to open its side panel.

  3. Click Upgrade. In the window that opens, select the upgraded speed, and then click Order.

    This will delete and recreate the connection with a higher bandwidth.

  4. From AWS, accept the new, upgraded connection.

    screenshot of the AWS direct connect Accept button

  5. From AWS, recreate the VIF: Amazon - Creating a Virtual Interface
