May 1, 2023 Release Notes

Changes and enhancements

Cloud-side provisioning improvements

  • For Cloud Router connections to Google or AWS that are NAT-enabled, you now have the option to configure NAT after the connection provisions:


  • When editing credentials from the Cloud Credentials page, you will now see a list of active connections using those credentials.

  • After provisioning a hosted cloud connection to Google, you will now see an action to download a sample router config file. This is available from the connection details page:

    Download sample config button

  • Added BFD settings to hosted cloud connections to Google. See Create a Hosted Connection to Google.

  • Added validation around specifying the Google Cloud Router ASN to ensure that you are not reusing an ASN when creating a new Google Cloud Router.

  • When creating AWS connections, added a constraint that would prevent users from having overlapping prefixes in two associations on the same Direct Connect Gateway. This is relevant to the Allowed Prefixes list for hosted cloud, and to the Allowed Prefixes to Cloud list for Cloud Router connections.


  • For hosted cloud connections to pending on-ramp locations, the status for that connection makes it clearer why the connection isn’t ready yet:

    requested on ramp status

  • When editing a BGP session for a Cloud Router connection, the portal now makes it more obvious when it is saving your changes. This prevents users from repeatedly clicking Submit because the portal appears to be ignoring you.

  • Added circuit ID and connection description to the BGP Setting modal.

  • Users will now see an optional PO Number field under the Billing step when ordering marketplace services.

  • Users will now be able to add or change the PO number (purchase order number) after the service has provisioned. Previously, you could only specify the PO number when provisioning a new service.

    PO number

  • Added the ability to upgrade/renew terms of ports that are in LAGs. See Renew a Port.

  • You can now enter multiple email addresses when emailing an LOA as an attachment.

  • Improved timestamp readability in notification emails.

  • Added an expected end time to routine maintenance notifications.

  • The copy circuit ID action is now available for Cloud Router connections.

  • Added shading, icons, and increased indentation to Cloud Router side menu, improving readability:

    CR shading

  • Marketplace service providers can now delete a service. Previously they were only able to unpublish services. For more information, see Marketplace Services.

  • Made some small improvements regarding field spacing when searching for a marketplace provider to be the source port on a hosted cloud connection.

  • Improved the port information users will see when building virtual circuits to dedicated cloud ports.

  • Added pagination support for hosted cloud lists.

Bug fixes

  • Users were unable to upgrade terms for ports in LAGs.
  • The portal was not consistently displaying VLAN ID information for Cloud Router dedicated port connections.
  • region and region_description were missing for Google Cloud locations in GET /locations/cloud cloud_connection_details.
  • “Connection not found” error improperly displaying after some Cloud Router connections were deleted.
  • Some information was missing from customer signup emails.
  • Added character length validation to MD5 fields in the portal.
  • The portal was improperly allowing in the Allowed Prefixes from Cloud field when performing cloud-side provisioning for AWS connections with transit VIFs.
  • When deleting a service label, the label was not automatically being removed from member services.
  • The hosted cloud connections page was not showing the status of Azure connections.
  • If updating the PO number field for a Cloud Router connection, the Details page was not displaying the updated information.
  • Read Only users were seeing the Create new network service button.