June 13, 2022 Release Notes

New features

Sales user group for Reseller Admin Portal users

The Reseller Admin Portal has a new user group labeled “Sales.” This group has read-only permissions everywhere except the Quoting page, where they can create and manage customer quotes.

sales group

Feature flags

We have now enabled feature flags to allow certain customers to test out beta features.

The option to create a ENNI port is also now hidden, but can be exposed using a feature flag. To expose this option, contact support@packetfabric.com.

Changes and enhancements

Cloud Router connection circuit ID format change

The new format is PF-L3-CON-<number ID>.

For example, a connection that previously had the circuit ID PF-CC-WDC-WDC-<old number ID>-PF will now appear as PF-L3-CON-<new number ID>.

This won’t disrupt any current API tasks you might have in place, and we will continue to accept the old circuit IDs in API requests.


Added the ability to edit the description of outbound cross connects.

Bug fixes

  • Users were prevented from upgrading the term of LAG member ports.
  • Virtual circuits were deletable before certain backend tasks were complete, resulting in errors.
  • Users were occassionally seeing authorization failures when working with IBM cloud connections. This was due to caching issue.
  • Stylistic fixes to the way BGP settings are labeled when viewing the side panel of a Cloud Router connection.
  • Better handling of error responses from Azure.
  • >100Gbps was incorrectly displayed as 1000001 when ordering a Cloud Router.
  • Corrected the API reference docs, which were incorrectly stating that users needed to authorize to the pricing endpoint.