February 22, 2023 Release Notes

New features

AWS-side provisioning for Cloud Router connections

When creating a Cloud Router connection to AWS, you will now have the option to provision the cloud side of the connection:

AWS provisioning

When you complete these fields, you can create or select the gateways involved, as well as create the virtual interface (VIF). For more information, see Add AWS Direct Connect to a Cloud Router.

S-VLAN labels management

You can now create labels for S-VLAN tags:

SVLAN action

This action is only available to customers who have ENNIs enabled on their account. For more information, see S-VLAN Labels.

Changes and enhancements

UI streamlining

  • Scheduled Orders - This can now be found on the ports page. Previously, this was located under Network in the menu on the left:

    Scheduled Orders

  • Locations - This can now be found in the upper right. Previously, this was located under Network in the menu on the left:


  • Manage Users - There is now a Manage Users link in the upper right. Clicking this link takes you to the Users page in the portal. Previously, this was an Invite Users link that opened a window where you could invite new users.


You can now search the activity logs by circuit ID and port name:


Bug fixes

  • GET /v2/services/cloud-routers/{circuit_id}/connections error seen when creating IBM Cloud Router connections.
  • Deleting Hosted and Cloud Router connections to IBM was failing in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed an issue where marketplace virtual circuit descriptions were not handled correctly.
  • Various fixes to the details page for Cloud Router connections to dedicated ports.
  • The icon for Cloud Router connections to dedicated ports was not displaying on the Cloud Routers page.
  • The active tab color was not displaying properly for Partner customers in dark mode.
  • Fixed an issue with maintenance notifications for Hosted cloud on-ramps.
  • Fixed broken links in email sent to new customer registrations.