June 30, 2020 Release Notes

New features

In-house billing system

We have built an in-house billing system that is fully integrated with the portal. Our hope is that having increased control over our billing system will allow us to continue to innovate and expand in new markets.

You might notice some changes in your next invoice. This could be due to the following:

  • The new billing system includes upgraded tax-processing capabilities to enhance accuracy and completeness. This might appear on your invoice as the inclusion or removal of specific taxes, or changes in the amounts.

  • Part of this upgrade involved a thorough audit of our invoices and services. If you had a service that we may have missed in the past, or we were billing in some way incorrectly, we have done our best to fix all of these issues.

For some customers this might mean slightly higher amounts, and for others it could mean less. If you have any questions for our accounting team, email ar@packetfabric.com.

Changes and enhancements

The Create Multiple Ports action and the Billing > Quotes and Bulk Provisioning page have been removed.

This is a temporary change as we work on refining the in-house billing system.


New locations

  • 6/24/2020 - PDX8: QTS Hillsboro Data Center at 4951 NE Huffman Street, Hillsboro, OR 97124

Bug fixes

  • Password reset email modified to use twelve hour time instead of a twelve and twenty-four hour mix
  • Fixed light level alignment on new port details page