Create a LAG


You must already have one or more provisioned PacketFabric ports.

Requirements for ports in a LAG:

  • Single-port LAG

    • The port cannot have any virtual circuits attached. You can see whether a port has virtual circuits by visiting its details page in the portal.
  • Multi-port LAG

    All ports must share the same:

    • Location
    • Zone
    • Speed
    • Media
    • No virtual circuits currently attached

You can add virtual circuits back to the ports after they have been added to the LAG.

Create a LAG

  1. Log in to the PacketFabric portal. Select Ports in the menu on the left.

  2. Click Create LAG in the upper right.

    NOTE: If you do not see this action, your user account might not have the appropriate permissions.
  3. Under Select LAG Members, your existing ports are grouped together by site and zone. Only ports without a virtual circuit are shown.

    If you are selecting multiple ports, they must have the same media and speed.

    screenshot of the LAG selection window

  4. Under LAG Details, enter a meaningful name for the LAG and select the LACP interval.

    The LACP interval determines the frequency in which LACP control packets (LACP PDUs) are sent. This in turn determines the timeout value of 3 or 90 seconds. If a PDU is not returned from the remote connection within the allotted time, the LACP session drops.

    You can later change the LACP interval from the LAG details.

  5. Click Create LAG

When you return to your interfaces dashboard, the ports you selected are now grouped together under your LAG.

Click the LAG to open the side panel, where you can view its members:


From here you can also modify, delete, and disable the LAG.

Create LAG - POST