Create a Point-to-Point Connection

When you create a point-to-point connection, you are also provisioning two new PacketFabric ports.

  1. Log in to the PacketFabric portal. Select Point to Points in the menu on the left.

  2. Click Create Point-to-Point in the upper right.

    NOTE: If you do not see this action, your user account might not have the appropriate permissions.

Complete the following fields:

Source Location

Use the search field to provided to locate the data center in which you want to provision one of the ports. This should be a location in which you are already present and can build a cross connect.

Destination Location

Select a location for the second port in the connection.

Select a speed for the connection.
Select the media for the ports. The same media is used in both the source and destination port.
Source availability zone
Select a zone.
Allocating connections within different zones supports redundancy.
Source autonegotiation
This option is only available when you select 1 Gbps. Autonegotiation means the port can automatically determine the best speed and duplex mode.
Destination availability zone
Select a zone.
Allocating connections within different zones supports redundancy.
Destination autonegotiation
This option is only available when you select 1 Gbps. Autonegotiation means the port can automatically determine the best speed and duplex mode.
Provide a meaningful name for your connection.

Under the billing section on the right, select a term and the appropriate billing account to use. You can also optionally specify a PO number to associate with the service. The PO number will be included on your monthly invoice.

Click Place order.

Next steps

It might take a few minutes for your connection to provision. Once provisioned, you can generate LOAs and/or order outbound cross connects. For more information, see Cross Connects.

Create a Point-to-Point Service - POST