Delete an AWS Hosted Connection

Be careful when deleting connections. This action cannot be undone, and deleted connections cannot be restored.

With an AWS access key

If you have an AWS access key configured for the connection, you can simply delete it:

  1. Log in to the PacketFabric portal and go to the Hosted Cloud page.

  2. Click the connection to open its side panel and then select Delete.

  3. A confirmation message appears. Enter “Delete” in the field provided and click Delete Hosted Cloud.

Both the Direct Connect and the virtual interface will be deleted. However, the gateway and any gateway VPC attachments will remain in place, and will need to be deleted in the AWS Management Console.

Without an AWS access key

If you do not have an AWS access key configured for the connection, you must complete the following steps.

Step 1 - From Amazon, delete the virtual interfaces

Before deleting a PacketFabric hosted connection to AWS, you must delete any virtual interfaces associated with that connection.

For more information, see the following AWS documentation: Amazon - Deleting virtual interfaces


You will receive an error message if you try to delete an AWS connection in PacketFabric before the virtual interfaces are deleted.

Step 2 - From PacketFabric, delete the connection

  1. Log in to the PacketFabric portal and go to the Hosted Cloud page.

  2. Click the connection to open its side panel and then select Delete.

  3. A confirmation message appears. Enter “Delete” in the field provided and click Delete Hosted Cloud.
