Two-Factor Authentication

NOTE: Account administrators have the ability to enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA). If you are not enrolled and an administrator enables that feature, you will be prompted to set up MFA the next time you log in.

You can enable two-factor authentication for your account.

Before proceeding, you must have an authenticator app installed on one of your devices. You can use any authenticator app that supports the Time-based One-time Password algorithm (TOTP). We have tested and confirmed compatibility with the following:

  • Google Authenticator
  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • LastPass Authenticator
  • 1password
  • Authy
  • Duo


  1. Click your username in the upper right and select Account settings.

    Screenshot of My Account option in user menu

  2. Click Enroll into Two-Factor Authentication.

  3. Scan the QR code or manually enter the alphanumeric secret into your authenticator app.

    demo qr code

    NOTE: The secret and QR code expire after 5 minutes.
  4. After scanning or entering the code, your authenticator app returns a 6 digit verification code. Enter this code and click Verify.

Once authenticated, you are provided 3 one-time use codes to use if you need to log in without your authenticating device.

Write these down and keep them somewhere secure; this is the only time they will be provided.


Click Disable Two-Factor Authentication to revert to password-only authentication. This is less secure, but you can re-enroll at any time.