
An alert sends an email notification for selected events.

You can access alerts from your Account Settings page or by clicking Alerts in the menu in the upper right:

Alerts action in drop-down menu


Create an alert

From the Alerts page, click Create alert and complete the following fields:

  • Row
    • Field
    • Description
  • name
    • Name
    • Enter a name for the alert.
  • Address
    • Address

    • Select where the alert should be sent.

      At this time, you can only select a company contact. The alert is sent to the email address associated with the contact.

  • r3
    • Type

    • Select the method of contact to use for the alert.

      At this time, only email is supported.

  • r3
    • Interval
    • Select how often the alert should be sent.
  • r3
    • Subscription
    • Select what should be included in the alert.

Subscription events

Each subscription can include multiple events.

Select activity_log.* to view all events across all services. This notification includes everything present in the activity log.

However, you can create more targeted alerts for different service types. For example, you can get an alert for when a port goes down (port.down) or when a Cloud Router connection is provisioned (cloud_router_connection.provisioned).


Service type subscriptions with the pattern <service_type>.* only include the other subscription events listed for that service.

For example, vc.* includes vc.deleted and vc.provisioned. It would not, for instance, include upgrades to the virtual circuit or a capacity burst.